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            所在位置:福建成考網 > 福建成考試題題庫 > 專起本 > 2019年福建專升本英語預測試卷 (二)(1)-全國成人高考

            2019年福建專升本英語預測試卷 (二)(1)-全國成人高考

            2019-10-09 15:45:01 來源: 其它

            2019年成人高考專升本英語預測試卷 (二)

            第 Ⅰ 卷 ( 選擇題,共 125 分)

             ?、? Phonetics (5 points)

              Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations

              marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the

              others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

              1. A. popular B. large C. remarkable D. dark

              2. A. society B. precious C. decision D. medicine

              3. A. exist B. explain C. examine D. example

              4. A. climb B. comb C. doubt D. double

              5. A. chemistry B. chimney C. charge D. choose

              Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

              Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four

              choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the

              corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

              6. I suggest that she ______ another day.

              A. will come B. comes C. came D. should come

              7. He doesn’t seem at all sorry for ______ he has done.

              A. that B. what C. which D. how

              8. I was very tired. Otherwise, I ______ to the theatre with you.

              A. had gone B. would go C. went D. would have gone

              9. ______ gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems.

              A. Not only B. Except C. Unless D. Besides

              10. They showed me the spot ______ the accident took place.

              A. there B. that C. where D. which

              11. ______to wait for hours, she brought along a book to read.

              A. Expected B. To expect C. Expects D. Expecting

              12. Let’s ______ the problem for the time being: we can return to it later.

              A. settle B. stop C. interrupt D. leave

              13. He finds it difficult to ______ himself to the climate.

              A. apply B. account C. avail D. accustom

              14. When she heard the bad news, she ______ completely.

              A. broke away B. broke down C. broke out D. broke through

              15. John’s score on the test is the highest in class; he ______ last night.

              A. must have studied B. had studied C. must study D. studied

              16. ______ to the speaker for five minutes, he got up and left.

              A. Listened B. To listen C. Listening D. Having listened

              17. He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he ______ to the meeting.

              A. had come B. would come C. could come D. would have come

              18. In no circumstances ______ a lie.

              A. you should tell B. shouldn’t you tell C. you shouldn’t tell D. should you tell

              19. He was very upset by the ______ of his English examination.

              A. effect B. loss C. result D. final

              20. The clock ______ and we realized it was two o’clock.

              A. hit B. struck C. rang D. sounded

              Ⅲ. Cloze (30 points)

              Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and

              marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blankening

              the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

              Games can be both fun and difficult. Scrabble is a game I like best but is not an easy one. 21

              are going to play scrabble tonight. Henry cannot 22 all the rules, so I will 23 them. Do you want to

              learn? Listen carefully, and we'll play 24 .

              25 player takes seven letters. Your letter might be A, S, T, E, B, P and L. You can spell many

              words with these letters. You can spell TABLE with five of them, and you can spell MAP, SAT,

              LET, BAT, and others with 26 of them. But you cannot use names of persons, countries, or cities.

              You have to be careful : some letters are worth more points 27 others. For example, A, E, L,

              S and T have one point each. B and P have three points each. 28 points can be different for words

              with the same number of letters. SAT will give you 29 three points, and BAT will give you five.

              TABLE will give you 30 points: three for B and four for the other four letters. Use TABLE, you

              will get 31 points, and you might win the game.

              At the end of the game the players 32 their points. The one 33 the most point wins. 34 , you

              might have one hundred forty points. That is a good 35. But I might have one hundred sixty points,

              and Henry might have one hundred seventy points. Then Henry wins.

              21. A. Tom, I and Henry B. Henry, Tom and I

              C. I, Henry and Tom D. Henry, I and Tom

              22. A. know B. study C. keep D. remember

              23. A. explain B. help C. teach D. play

              24. A. faster B. sooner C. later D. after

              25. A. Either B. Each C. A D. One

              26. A. three B. four C. five D. two

              27. A. for B. of C. than D. in

              28. A. A number B. The number of C. A lot of D. Plenty of

              29. A. more than B. only C. less than D. fewer than

              30. A. five B. eight C. six D. seven

              31. A. much B. less C. more D. some

              32. A. add to B. add up to C. add D. add up

              33. A. with B. has C. gets D. gives

              34. A. However B. For example C. After all D. such as

              35. A. idea B. points C. score D. way


             ?、? Reading Comprehension (60 points)

              Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four

              questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one

              best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

            Passage One

              The Leaning Tower of Pisa has defied (違背) the laws of gravity for seven and a half centuries.

              Every year, on June 19th, a professor from the University of Pisa climbs to the bell tower and

              measures the increase in the slant with special instruments. And every year the professor makes

              the same report: the tower has leaned a fraction of an inch more. Last summer, the 125 foot-high

              tower was leaning an incredible 15 feet out of line. Scientists say that unless a way is found to stop

              the tilt, the tower will collapse in less than 80 years.

              The tower is leaning because the soft subsoil of Pisa will not support it. Its foundation is

              sinking into the soil at an angle, causing the tower to lean. Since a tremor could shake the

              foundation loose, the ringing of the tower’s bells was forbidden in 1959. Trucks are not allowed to

              pass in the neighborhood of the tower for this same reason.

              36. The statement which best expresses the main idea of this passage is that ______.

              A. the Leaning Tower of Pisa is in increasing danger of collapsing

              B. every year a professor measures the increase in the tower’s slant

              C. the tower is leaning because the subsoil of Pisa will not support it

              D. there is only one way to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa

              37. It can be inferred from the passage that last summer the tower was found tilted further by


              A. 15 feet B. more than one inch

              C. a fraction of an inch D. several inches

              38. The tower tilts more and more because ______.

              A. the ringing of the bells causes a tremor

              B. there are passing trucks nearby

              C. it is built on soft soil

              D. its foundation has been shaken loose

              39. Why is the tower described as defying the laws of gravity?

              A. It had resisted shaking tremors for hundreds of years.

              B. It was built on soft ground.

              C. It leans a fraction of an inch more every year.

              D. Scientists think that it should have collapsed long ago.

            Passage Two

              Dr. Hausman is a hair detective (偵探). Once a mountain lion killed a thirteen-year-old boy. The

              town offered a reward of thousand dollars for anyone who would kill the lion.

              One day an excited hunter came to the town to say that he had killed the mountain lion. As

              proof that he had killed the right animal, he showed a ball of human hair. He said he had taken the

              hair from the stomach of the mountain lion.

              However, another hunter soon showed up to claim (要求得到) the reward. He too had a ball

              of human hair that he said he had taken from the dead lion's stomach. The town did not know

              which man to pay. Maybe neither one had killed the right mountain lion. To settle the argument,

              they decided to turn the whole thing over to Dr. Hausman.

              Dr. Hausman studied the hair and reported that the second hunter should be paid. The hair in

              the stomach of the mountain lion he had killed matched the hair of the boy. The whole town was

              relieved to know for sure that the killer had been found.

              There are other kinds of detectives who do not wear a uniform but who, like Hausman, solve

              endless mysteries every year. There is, for example, the dust detective. Tiny bits of dust stick to

              your clothes, your fingernails, your hair, or your shoes. They catch in your nose and in your ears.

              They tell where you have been and what you have done lately. The dust detective often helps

              catch a criminal (罪犯) by proving that he has been on the scene (現場) of the crime.

              Then there is the wood detective. By studying a piece of wood he can tell what kind of tree

              the piece of wood came from. He can tell where it was grown, and how old it is. He can even tell

              you what the weather was like at a certain place the year Columbus landed in America. The

              growth rings on a tree tell him.

              40. Dr. Hausman decided that the second hunter had killed the mountain lion because


              A. the second hunter was an honest man

              B. the second hunter showed a ball of human hair

              C. the second hunter said that he had taken a ball of hair from the stomach of the mountain lion

              D. the hair in the stomach of the mountain lion and the hair of the boy were exactly alike

              41. According to the selection, by studying a piece of wood, a wood detective can tell you


              A. what the weather was like the year Columbus landed in America

              B. what the weather was like last year in the mountain

              C. what the weather was like last month in your hometown

              D. what kind of tree the piece of wood came from

              42. Endless mysteries are solved every year by ______.

              A. detectives who like Hausman

              B. detectives like Hausman

              C. other kinds of detectives who like Hausmen

              D. detectives Dr. Hausman likes

              43. What does the word "they" (para.5, line 4) mean?

              A. Your clothes. B. Your finger-nail. C. Tiny bits of dust. D. Your shoes.

            Passage Three

              The winter holiday season is the most happy time of the year. Students from elementary school

              through college have about two weeks' vacation, beginning shortly before Christmas and ending

              soon after New Year's Day. Many families go away for the holidays, but those who stay home

              have fun, too. There are many parties to celebrate the birth of Christ and the arrival of the new


              Christianity (基督教) is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in

              Bethlehem in ancient Judea. No one knows exactly when Jesus was born. The year 1 A.D. is

              supposed to be the year of his birth, but historians now know that he was actually born several

              years before that time. No one knows the exact date of his birth either, but Christians have

              celebrated it on December 25 since the fourth century.

              The spirit of Christmas arrives about a month before the holiday itself. Late in November,

              street lights and store windows are decorated with Christmas colors of red and green.

              Stores depend on Christmas shoppers for about one-fourth of their yearly sales. Smart

              shoppers buy their gifts far in advance, before the Christmas rush. Christmas is expensive. To earn

              extra money for gifts, in December many Americans get part-time jobs.

              The most beautiful and meaningful parts of the holiday occur at home and in church. Many

              families go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. After that, they gather around the

              tree and open their gifts. Then they sit down to enjoy a Christmas dinner --turkey (火雞) or ham,

              sweet potatoes, and vegetables.

              44. According to some historians, Jesus ______.

              A. was sent by the God to earth to save the human race

              B. was born on December 25

              C. was born several years before the year 1 A.D.

              D. was born in the year 1 A.D.

              45. It can be inferred from the selection that most people ______ on December 25.

              A. go shopping B. visit friends C. do cleaning D. stay at home

              46. According to the writer, to celebrate Christmas, people spend a lot of money and time on


              A. preparing for the Christmas dinner

              B. going to church

              C. writing letters and sending Christmas

              D. buying gifts for family members, relatives or friends

              47. We can conclude from the selection that ______ like Christmas best.

              A. government officials B. teachers C. storekeepers D. secretaries

            Passage Four

              Although we do not know the exact origin of the earliest Olympic games, we do know that the

              ancient Greeks had a festival in which athletes (運動員) competed in sports. On the opening day

              of the festival, perhaps 30,000 visitors crowded the streets. There were no sports on this day and

              the athletes took a sacred oath (神圣的誓言). They promised to play fair in the sports, a promise

              that is part of the oath Olympic athletes take today.

              On the second morning of the festival, young athletes ran out onto the field. The first event

              will be a foot race 607 feet in length. In the evening, after the sports, the visitors to Olympia

              would enjoy food, songs and speeches. They also did some business. At Olympia, keen minds (學

              者) from all over Greece exchanged ideas. Philosophers argued before the public. Poets recited

              their poems.

              This celebration was held every four years and was open to all men and boys who spoke

              Greek as their native language. The competition itself consisted of a single race and it was over in

              one day.

              The Olympic games came into being in 776 BC (before the Christ) and were most popular

              around the fifth century BC. At that time, the winner of a game received neither gold nor silver but

              a simple crown of olive leaves (橄欖葉) -- the highest honor a Greek could win. His family and

              his city were prouder of his victory than of winning a war. His name and achievement were carved

              on stone.

              The first of the modern Olympics took place in the same country as the original festivals: two

              hundred eighty-five athletes from thirteen countries competed in Athens in 1890. Today over ten

              thousand athletes from over one hundred seventy countries and regions compete --- every four

              years in a different city of the world.

              48. According to the selection, on the first day of the ancient Olympic Games the athletes

              took an oath ______.

              A. which is somewhat similar to the oath Olympic athletes take today

              B. which is entirely different from the oath the Olympic athletes take now

              C. which was an oath they never kept

              D. which was an oath they always broke

              49. It can be inferred from the selection that Olympia was ______.

              A. in Spain

              B. in Italy

              C. in Rome

              D. the place where the ancient Olympic games first took place

              50. When the winner of the ancient Olympic games received a simple crown of olive leaves,


              A. he didn't fell very pleased

              B. he would rather be given gold or silver

              C. he felt greatly honored

              D. he would rather receive money

              51. The first modern Olympic games took place ______.

              A. in Olympia B. in Greece C. in Spain D. in Italy

            Passage Five

              A certain hunter had found a piece of forest where there were plenty of animals to hunt. The only

              trouble was that the place was very difficult to get to.

              He returned from his first visit to the place in late autumn, and could not get back until the

              snow melted in the following spring. Then he went to the pilot of a small plane, who earned his

              living by carrying hunters over parts of the country where there were no roads and no railways. He

              asked the pilot to take him back to the piece of forest.

              The pilot did not know the place, so the hunter showed it to him on the map. "But there is

              nowhere to land there," said the pilot. "I have flown over that we can't land anywhere between this

              river and these mountains."

              "I thought you were a wonderful pilot," said the hunter, "some of my friends said you could

              land a plane on a postage stamp."

              "That's right," answered the pilot. "I can land a plane where nobody else can. But I tell you

              there is nowhere to land in the place you are talking about."

              "And what if I tell you that another pilot did land me there last spring?" said the hunter.

              "Is that true?" asked the pilot.

              "Yes, it is. I swear (發誓) it."

              Well, this pilot could not let himself beaten by another, so he agreed to take the hunter.

              When they reached the place, the hunter pointed out a small spot without trees in the middle

              of the forest, with a steep rise (陡坡) at one end. The pilot thought there was not enough room to

              land there, but the hunter said that the other pilot had done so the year before, so down went the

              plane. When it came to the rise, it turned right over (翻轉) onto its back. As the hunter climbed

              out, he smiled happily and said, "Yes, that is exactly how the other pilot managed it last time."

              52. The hunter in the story went to the forest ______.

              A. once B. twice

              C. many times D. none of the above

              53. In the story the hunter asked a pilot to take him to the piece of forest. This pilot was


              A. the same pilot who had taken him to the place once

              B. a different pilot who had never been to that part of the country

              C. a pilot who had been to the place many times

              D. a pilot who had never heard of such a place

              54. It was difficult for the pilot to land the plane because ______.

              A. the place for landing was as big as a room

              B. the place for landing was as small as a postage stamp

              C. there wasn't any place to land

              D. there was a room near the landing place

              55. "When it came to the rise, it turned right over onto its back." What do the words "its

              back" refer to?

              A. the back of the rise B. the pilot's back

              C. the back of the plane D. the back of the small spot

              Ⅴ. Daily Conversation(15 points)

              Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the

              following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

              A. Anything wrong with you?

              B. That's splendid !

              C. you have to work, not to go watching football.

              D. You look very excited.

              E. I can quite believe it.

              F. I say, couldn't we all go and see it and shout for Jan's team?

              G. you must pay much attention to listening and speaking.

              H. Don't mention it.

              (Fred = A ; Mr. Smith = B ; Bob = C)

              A: Oh, Mr. Smith, are you very busy?

              B: Well, I was just going to give Bob a private lesson, but what's the matter? 56 __________

              A: I must tell you my news. Jan has been chosen to play football for London against Oxford


              B: 57__________ He must be very pleased about it, isn't he?

              A: Yes, he is, although he doesn't say much. The match is at three o'clock next Thurs- day.

              C: 58__________ .

              B : We mustn't give no attention to our work, Bob. If you want to learn English, 59


              C : But sir, you needn't sit in a classroom to learn English. Why, ! went to see a football

              match last Saturday and I learned a lot of words I had never heard in this classroom.

              B: 60 __________.




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